The State of Deepfakes: Landscape, Threats, and Impact, Henry Ajder, Giorgio Patrini, Francesco Cavalli, and Laurence Cullen, September 2019 (2024)



September 2019 September 2019

©2019 Deeptrace

Contact: [emailprotected]

Authors: Henry Ajder, Giorgio Patrini, Francesco Cavalli & Laurence Cullen

Graphic design: Eleanor Winter

Cover image: Joel Filipe

Cite: The State of Deepfakes: Landscape, Threats, and Impact, Henry Ajder, Giorgio Patrini, Francesco Cavalli, and Laurence Cullen, September 2019. About Deeptrace

Deeptrace is an Amsterdam-based cybersecurity company providing deep learning and computer vision technologies for the detection and online monitoring of synthetic media. Our mission is to protect individuals and organizations from the damaging impacts of AI- generated synthetic media.

Deeptrace also publishes Tracer, a curated weekly newsletter covering key developments with deepfakes, synthetic media, and emerging cyber threats.


We would like to thank the following people for providing valuable feedback and quotes for this report: Curtis Barnes, Tom Barraclough, Danielle Citron, Jack Clark, Adam Dodge, Sam Gregory, Gabi Ivens, Hamish Ivey-Law, Jason Mancuso, Samantha North, Rodolfo Rosini, Paul Scharre, Gaurav Tanwar, Leroy Terrelonge, and Eleanor Winter. Table of Contents

The State of Deepfakes: An Overview 1

The Commodification of Deepfakes 3

Deepfake p*rnography 6

Politics & Cybersecurity 9

Concluding Remarks 15

Appendix 16 DEEPTRACE


The rise of synthetic media and deepfakes is forcing us towards an important and unsettling realization: our historical belief that video and audio are reliable records of reality is no longer tenable.

I choose the word “historical” as this belief is a coincidence of how technology has evolved. Still today, we trust a phone call from a friend or a video clip featuring a known politician, simply based on the recognition of their voices and faces. Previously, no commonly available technology could have synthetically created this media with comparable realism, so we treated it as authentic by definition. With the development of synthetic media and deepfakes, this is no longer the case. Every digital communication channel our society is built upon, whether that be audio, video, or the total deepfake videos online. We also even text, is at risk of being subverted. found that the top four websites dedicated to deepfake p*rnography received more than 134 Since its foundation in 2018, Deeptrace has million views on videos targeting hundreds of been dedicated to researching deepfakes’ female celebrities worldwide. This significant evolving capabilities and threats, providing viewership demonstrates a market for websites crucial intelligence for enhancing our detection creating and hosting deepfake p*rnography, a technology. In this report we share the insights trend that will continue to grow unless decisive from our most comprehensive mapping of action is taken. the deepfake landscape to date, revealing deepfakes’ real-world impact. In doing so, we Deepfakes are also making a significant impact provide an expert overview of the current state on the political sphere. Two landmark cases of deepfakes, cutting through some of the from Gabon and Malaysia that received minimal hyperbole surrounding the topic. The findings Western media coverage saw deepfakes linked we present here are grounded in independently to an alleged government cover-up and a sourced data, accompanied by insights from political smear campaign. One of these cases leading experts in this area. was related to an attempted military coup, while the other continues to threaten a high- Our research revealed that the deepfake profile politician with imprisonment. Seen phenomenon is growing rapidly online, together, these examples are possibly the with the number of deepfake videos almost most powerful indications of how deepfakes doubling over the last seven months to 14,678. are already destabilizing political processes. This increase is supported by the growing Without defensive countermeasures, the commodification of tools and services that integrity of democracies around the world are lower the barrier for non-experts to create at risk. deepfakes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we observed a significant contribution to the Outside of politics, the weaponization of creation and use of synthetic media tools from deepfakes and synthetic media is influencing web users in China and South Korea, despite the cybersecurity landscape, enhancing the totality of our sources coming from the traditional cyber threats and enabling entirely English-speaking Internet. new attack vectors. Notably, 2019 saw reports of cases where synthetic voice audio and images Another key trend we identified is the of non-existent, synthetic people were used to prominence of non-consensual deepfake enhance social engineering against businesses p*rnography, which accounted for 96% of and governments. THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Foreword

Deepfakes are here to stay, and their impact is protect individuals and organizations from the already being felt on a global scale. We hope harmful applications of deepfakes. this report stimulates further discussion on the topic, and emphasizes the importance Giorgio Patrini of developing a range of countermeasures to Founder, CEO, and Chief Scientist DEEPTRACE

The State of Deepfakes: An Overview

Since emerging in late 2017 the phenomenon of deepfakes has developed rapidly, both in terms of technological sophistication and societal impact. In this section, we provide an overview of the current state of deepfakes by analyzing their proliferation and content.1

Total number of deepfake videos online Our findings revealed that the total number of deepfake videos online is rapidly increasing, with this measurement representing an almost 100% increase based on our previous 14,678 measurement (7,964) taken in December 2018.

percentage of deepfake Deepfake p*rnography accounts for a significant majority of deepfake videos online, videos online by even as other forms of non-p*rnographic p*rnographic and 96% deepfakes have gained popularity. non-p*rnographic content 4%

Total number of video views across top four Despite being a relatively new phenomenon dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites (the earliest of these websites was registered in February 2018), deepfake p*rnography has already attracted a large viewership on the top four dedicated deepfake p*rnography 134,364,438 websites alone.

1 The appendix details how we collected the data presented in this report 1 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – The State of Deepfakes: An Overview

Demographic breakdown of deepfake videos from top five deepfake p*rnography websites and top 14 deepfake YouTube channels

We analyzed the gender, nationality, and profession of subjects in deepfake videos from the top 5 deepfake p*rnography websites, as well as the top 14 deepfake YouTube channels that host non-p*rnographic deepfake videos.

female Gender 39% Deepfake female YouTube Deepfake p*rnography is a phenomenon 100% p*rnography channels websites that exclusively targets and harms women. In contrast, the non-p*rnographic deepfake videos we analyzed on YouTube contained a male 61% majority of male subjects.

Taiwan other other South 2% 5% Nationality India 13% Korea 2% 3% We found that over 90% of deepfake videos on Canada Canada Deepfake 6% 4% YouTube YouTube featured Western subjects. However, p*rnography channels non-Western subjects featured in almost a third UK websites 12% of videos on deepfake p*rnography websites, USA UK 41% 14% with South Korean K-pop singers making up a USA quarter of the subjects targeted. This indicates South Korea 73% 25% that deepfake p*rnography is an increasingly global phenomenon.

news & media business owner 1% politician 2% Profession 12% news & media All but 1% of the subjects featured in deepfake Deepfake 5% YouTube p*rnography videos were actresses and p*rnography channels musicians working in the entertainment websites sector. However, subjects featuring in YouTube deepfake videos came from a more diverse range of professions, notably including entertainment entertainment 99% 81% politicians and corporate figures.


The Commodification of Deepfakes

“Based on the rate of AI progress, we can expect deepfakes to become better, cheaper, and easier to make over a relatively short period of time. Governments should invest in developing technology assessment and measurement capabilities to help them keep pace with broader AI development, and to help them better prepare for the impacts of technologies like this.” 2 Jack Clark, Policy Director of OpenAI, and author of Import AI

The term deepfake was first coined by the Reddit user u/deepfakes, who created a Reddit forum of the same name on November 2nd 2017. This forum was dedicated to the creation and use of deep learning software for synthetically faceswapping female celebrities into p*rnographic videos. Since Reddit’s removal of /r/Deepfakes on February 7th 2018, deepfakes have become increasingly commodified as new deepfake forums, tools, and services have emerged.

The growth of GANs

Synthetic audiovisual media can be generated This provides an indirect indication of how fast with a variety of deep learning techniques. GAN quality is improving and the rate that Currently, the most popular of these techniques new capabilities for real-world applications are is the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) due being developed. In the context of this section, to its flexible applications and realistic outputs. it also indicates how this research is being incorporated into technology accessible to a The graph below measures the research wider audience outside academia. 3 output on GANs from their invention in 2014.

Academic papers mentioning GANS in title/abstract published per year on the arXiv 3

1250 1207

1000 932


469 500

papers published papers 250 74 3 9 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 year (annualized)

2 Clark, Jack, private correspondence, September 23 2019 3 arXiv is an online archive of scientific and mathematical research papers maintained by Cornell University. 3 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – The Commodification of Deepfakes

Deepfake Creation Communities & Forums

Deepfake creation communities and forums are a key driving force behind the increasing accessibility of deepfakes and deepfake creation software. Many of these creation communities and forums provide an entry point for people interested in creating deepfakes, and facilitate collaboration between more experienced creators.

We found the majority of creation communities and forums were located on deepfake deepfake creation community p*rnography websites and established forum- websites and forums based websites including Reddit, 4chan, 8chan, 20 and Voat. Some of these websites such as 4chan deepfake creation community and 8chan are notorious for hosting illegal and websites and forums unethical activity. 20non-unique members (from sources that disclosed 13 deepfake creation communities and forums membership numbers) 95,791 non-unique members disclosed their total membership, with these (from sources that disclosed accounting for almost 100,000 members membership numbers) 95,791 without the other seven whose membership was not accessible.

Github Stars

Open-source code repositories are the backbone of modern machine learning projects, and deepfake creation tools are no exception. The faceswap source code from the anonymous /r/ Deepfakes creator was donated to the open-source community and uploaded on Github. Since then, development has been driven by many project forks, with programmers contributing to improved quality, efficiency, and usability of these new code libraries.

The chart below measures the popularity growth in popularity since their initial upload, of the two best maintained deep learning with faceswap project A’s 20,000 stars rivaling faceswap projects (project names omitted) by the popularity of other industrial-level open- “Github stars”. Both projects show an organic source projects.

faceswap project A faceswap project B




10000 Github stars




Deepfake Computer Apps & Services

Beyond research and code libraries, commodification is also about the growing accessibility of deepfake creation tools for a non-technical audience. Here we outline the three types of deepfake tools we identified during our research, with each providing a different approach to the creation and distribution of deepfakes.

Computer Apps

Deepfake computer apps are downloadable tools or graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that are used for creating deepfakes. Most of these apps provide ‘faceswapping’ capabilities, but we also identified one app for synthetic voice cloning. Many of these apps require knowledge of programming and a powerful graphics processor to operate effectively, making them unsuitable for amateurs. However, several detailed tutorials have been created that provide step-by-step guides for using the most popular deepfake apps, and recent updates have improved the accessibility of several GUIs.

Service Portals

Service portals function as online businesses for generating and selling custom deepfakes. In most cases, this involves an individual uploading photos or videos of their chosen subjects to the online platform and receiving the deepfake once it has been generated. On one service portal we identified, this required 250 photos of the target subject and two days of processing to generate the deepfake. The prices of these services vary depending on the quality and duration of the video requested, but can cost as little as $2.99 per deepfake video generated.

Marketplace Services

Marketplace services refer to individual deepfake creators who advertise their services on forums and online marketplaces. Our research found marketplace services ranging from bespoke faceswap videos for $30 to custom voice cloning for $10 per 50 words generated. 5 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Deepfake p*rnography

Deepfake p*rnography

“Deepfake technology is being weaponized against women by inserting their faces into p*rn. It is terrifying, embarrassing, demeaning, and silencing. Deepfake sex videos say to individuals that their bodies are not their own and can make it difficult to stay online, get or keep a job, and feel safe.”4 Danielle Citron, Professor of Law, Boston University, and author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace

Deepfake p*rnography is by far the most prevalent kind of deepfake currently being created and circulated. The damaging effects of deepfake p*rnography have already affected a significant number of women, including celebrities and private individuals. In this section, we outline the deepfake p*rnography ecosystem and present a case study on the development of the deepfake p*rnography creation app DeepNude.

The rise of deepfake p*rnography

We measured the online presence of deepfake p*rnography by tracking the number of videos that have been uploaded, and the number of 8 websites that hosted these videos. of the top 10 p*rnography websites host deepfakes Our research revealed that deepfake p*rnography has a significant online presence across several different websites. These websites fell into two categories: dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites and mainstream 9 p*rnography websites. dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites We found that the deepfake p*rnography ecosystem is almost entirely supported by dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites, mainsteam which host 13,254 of the total videos we p*rnography discovered. By contrast, mainstream websites 6% p*rnography websites only hosted 802 videos. deepfake p*rnography videos by host The number of these dedicated deepfake website type dedicated p*rnography websites suggests that deepfake deepfake p*rnography p*rnography could represent a growing websites business opportunity, with all these websites 94% featuring some form of advertising.

4 Citron, Danielle, private correspondence, August 16 2019.


10 individuals most frequently targeted by deepfake p*rnography

We chose not to publish the names of these Western countries. However, the second and women given the sensitive nature of the data, but third most frequently targeted individuals, as rather specify their nationality and profession. well as the most frequently viewed individual, Of the 10 most frequently targeted individuals were South Korean K-pop singers. we identified, the majority were actresses from

millions of views video features

British 5.8 actress 257

South Korean 3.1 musician 167

South Korean 5.9 musician 134

American 4.3 actress 126

British 118 1.6 actress

Australian 113 1.4 actress

American 106 2.4 actress

1.9 Israeli 105 actress

1.1 American 104 actress

4.4 South Korean 103 musician

10 5 0 0 100 200 300 7 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Deepfake p*rnography

A Case Study: DeepNude

DeepNude is a computer app that enables users to ‘strip’ photos of clothed women. The app uses deep learning image translation algorithms that have been tuned to synthetically remove clothes from images of women, and generate naked parts of their body that were previously covered. These algorithms cannot perform similar translations on images of men, having been specifically trained on images of women. DeepNude’s release illustrates the dangers of automated tools for creating deepfake p*rnography becoming increasingly accessible.

Launch Resurrection

DeepNude’s website launched on June 23rd Despite the creators of DeepNude taking the 2019, featuring a demo and download options official website offline, the software continues to for Windows and Linux computer apps. The app be independently repackaged and distributed could be downloaded for free, but generated through various online channels, such as open- images were obscured by a large watermark. source repositories and torrenting websites. To remove this watermark, users had to pay In addition, two new service portals opened $50 for the licensed version. Images generated offering an allegedly improved version of with this licensed version still contained a DeepNude, with charges ranging from $1 per small watermark designating the image as photo to $20 for a month’s unlimited access. “fake”. Each image took the app 30 seconds Likely having recognized the app’s business to generate. potential, the original creators put DeepNude up for sale on July 19th for $30,000 via an online business marketplace, where it sold to an Takedown anonymous buyer.

DeepNude saw a surge in interest following critical coverage by journalist Samantha Cole Losing control for the online publication, Motherboard on June 27th5. This overwhelmed DeepNude’s servers The moment DeepNude was made available with traffic and download requests, causing to download it was out of the creators’ control, the website to go offline less than 24 hours and is now highly difficult to remove from after Cole’s article was published. According circulation. The software will likely continue to to DeepNude, the website received 545,162 spread and mutate like a virus, making a popular visits and 95,464 active users in June, with the tool for creating non-consensual deepfake majority of this activity likely occurring in this 24 p*rnography of women easily accessible and hour period. The creators subsequently stated difficult to counter. they had “greatly underestimated [the volume of download] requests” and that they would not release any further versions of the app, claiming that “the world is not ready for DeepNude”.

5 Cole, Samantha. “This App Uses Deepfake Technology Solely to Objectify Women” Motherboard. June 27 2019.


Politics & Cybersecurity

“We’ve already seen so-called “shallowfakes” circulated online with the attempt to distort political discourse or delegitimize politicians, and even selective editing has been used to falsely represent how a politically-charged event occurred. High-quality AI-manipulated video ups the stakes considerably. It is only a matter of time before deepfakes are used in an attempt to manipulate elections.” 6 Paul Scharre, Director of Technology & National Security, CNAS

Much of the media attention surrounding deepfakes has focused on their potential to undermine democratic processes and enhance cyberattacks against individuals and businesses. In this section, we outline several cases where deepfakes and the related phenomenon of shallowfakes have had a disruptive impact on the political sphere. We also detail cases where synthetic images and synthetic voice audio have allegedly been used to enhance social engineering and fraud.

Buzzfeed News & Monkeypaw Studios (2018)

6 Scharre, Paul, private correspondence, August 8 2019. 9 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Politics & Cybersecurity

The destabilizing political impact of deepfakes

We have provided technical consultation on two cases where deepfakes have played a significant role in creating or exacerbating political crises. Both are powerful examples of how growing awareness of deepfakes is already damaging political discourse, and undermining the perceived objectivity of recorded video in politically charged contexts.

Gabon: Accelerating political unrest

In late 2018 there was intense speculation about the health of the Gabonese President Ali Bongo, who had been absent from public life for several months. In an attempt to end the speculation, the government released a video of Bongo delivering a traditional New Year’s address.

However, Bongo’s unusual appearance in the video led many on social media, including Gabonese politician Bruno Moubamba, to declare that the video was a deepfake, confirming their suspicion that the government was covering up Bongo’s ill health or death. A week after the video’s release amid growing Mother Jones (2019) unrest, members of Gabon’s military launched an attempted coup against the government. did not find signs that the video had been In a video announcing the coup, the military manipulated, and Bongo has since made public mentioned the video’s odd appearance as appearances following what the government proof that something was wrong with the stated was a severe stroke in August 2018. President.7 Subsequent forensic analysis

Malaysia: Sex scandal

A political scandal emerged in June 2019 surrounding a sex tape allegedly featuring the Malaysian Minister of Economic Affairs Azmin Ali and a rival minister’s male aide.8 Same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Malaysia, with politicians having previously been controversially imprisoned on sodomy charges. While the aide claimed the video was real and was subsequently arrested, Ali and his supporters, including the Malaysian Prime Minister, argued that the video was a realistic deepfake made to sabotage his political career. However, international experts could not find any signs that the video had been manipulated. As of mid-August 2019, it is still unclear whether The Straits Times (2019) Ali will face criminal charges over the video.

7 Breland, Ali. “The Bizarre and Terrifying Case of the “Deepfake” Video that Helped Bring an African Nation to the Brink” Mother Jones. March 15, 2019. 8 Blakkarly, Jani. “A gay sex tape is threatening to end the political careers of two men in Malaysia” SBS News. June 17 2019.



The term Shallowfakes was first coined by Sam Gregory of the human rights organization WITNESS, and refers to videos that have been manipulated with basic editing tools or intentionally placed out of context.9 The Washington Post’s guide to manipulated video provides three specific categories for these kinds of shallowfake manipulations: 10

›› Missing context – misrepresenting a video or isolating it from its original context;

›› Deceptive editing – omitting passages of a video or inserting new ones;

›› Malicious transformation – doctoring or manipulating a video’s content.

Shallowfakes are typically designed to exploit an individual’s cognitive biases which can result in damage to a target person’s reputation even if the fake is of a low quality.

Nancy Pelosi: Manipulated voice audio

A recent high profile shallowfake involved a manipulated video of US Speaker of the House and Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.11 In the video that was shared on May 23rd 2019, Pelosi’s speech had been slowed down, making it sound like she was slurring her words. The edited version of the video went viral on social media and was retweeted by the official Twitter account of US President Trump, receiving over New York Times (2019) 6.3m views as of July 31st 2019.12 On a popular Facebook page, the video received over 2.2m views in the 48 hours following its initial upload, with commenters calling Pelosi “drunk” and a “babbling mess”.13

Jim Acosta: Manipulated body movement

Shallowfakes have also been falsely cited as evidence to justify controversial political actions. In this case, CNN’s correspondent Jim Acosta had his White House press pass revoked on November 7th 2018, following an interaction where an intern attempted to take a microphone from his hand after a tense exchange with the The Washington Post (2018) President. In edited footage of the event shared

9 Gregory, Sam. “Deepfakes will challenge public trust in what’s real. Here’s how to defuse them.” Defusing Disinfo. February 19, 2019. 10 Ajaka, Nadine, Samuels, Elyse, and Kessler, Glen. “Seeing Isn’t Believing The Fact Checker’s guide to manipulated video” The Washington Post. June 25 2019. 11 Mervosh, Sarah. “Distorted Videos of Nancy Pelosi Spread on Facebook and Twitter, Helped by Trump” The New York Times. May 24 2019. 12 Monje Jr, Carlos. “Twitter letter to Chairman Schiff”. Twitter July 31 2019. 13 Harwell, Drew. “‘Sexist’ videos edited to make Nancy Pelosi look drunk go viral, with Trump’s help” The Independent. May 24 2019. 11 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Politics & Cybersecurity

by the White House Press Secretary, the video reporting by The Washington Post’s Drew was sped up, making it appear that Acosta had Harwell and other news organizations revealed aggressively blocked the intern from taking the that the video had been manipulated, leading microphone from him with his arm.14 This was to Acosta’s press pass being reinstated roughly cited as “inappropriate behavior” and the sole two weeks after the incident first occurred. reason for his press pass being revoked. However,

Political Satire & Art

The impact of deepfakes on the political sphere is not solely restricted to malicious and deceptive disinformation campaigns, but also includes the creation of new forms of political satire and art. One famous early example of this use of deepfakes was seen with Buzzfeed’s and director Jordan Peele’s “Deepfake Obama PSA”, a deepfake of Barack Obama that warned of the dangers posed by the technology.15 As awareness of deepfakes has grown, so have efforts to use them as part of political and social commentary.


Spectre is a project by the art collective Brandalism that involves several deepfake videos of prominent public figures, including Mark Zuckerberg, Kim Kardashian, and Donald Trump.16 Each deepfake synthetically synchronized the subject’s lip movements to match a voice actor imitating their voice, speaking about how the mass collection of personal data and other technologies have brought them power or wealth.

Upon Spectre’s release, the deepfakes had an immediate viral impact across a variety of social media platforms. However, the project did not present the deepfakes as real, but as an artistic device to provoke discussion of political and social issues.

14 Harwell, Drew. “White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta” The Washing- ton Post. November 8 2018. 15 Newman, Craig. “How To Spot A Deepfake Like The Barack Obama–Jordan Peele Video” Buzzfeed News. April 17 2019. 16 Posters, Bill. “Gallery: Spectre launches (Press Release)”. Bill Posters. May 29 2019.



Aside from the politics, malicious applications of deepfakes and synthetic media are also changing the cybersecurity landscape by enhancing traditional cyberthreats and enabling entirely new attack vectors. In 2019 we have seen several cases where deepfakes have been deployed to enhance social engineering and fraud.

Enhancing fake digital identities: fraud, infiltration and espionage

We observed two cases where realistic synthetic photos of non-existent people were used on fake social media profiles, in an attempt to deceive other users and extract information.

Deceiving Tesla short sellers

In March 2019, accounts posing as a senior Bloomberg journalist “Maisy Kinsley” connected with over 195 people on LinkedIn, and followed a large number of Tesla short sellers on Twitter. 17 Several of these short sellers claimed that the account had contacted them in an attempt to extract personal information. However, Bloomberg stated they did not employ anyone called Maisy Kinsley, and the account’s profile picture contained visual anomalies consistent with synthetically generated images. Both accounts were subsequently removed by LinkedIn and Twitter.


A LinkedIn account posing as “Katie Jones”, a researcher from a top US think tank, was believed by experts to be part of a foreign spying operation.18 While the account only had 52 connections at the time of its removal by LinkedIn in June 2019, it had connected with members of staff of several government officials between March and April 2019. Expert analysis identified several visual anomalies that indicated that the image was synthetically generated.

17 Fleishman, Glenn. “How to spot the realistic fake people creeping into your timelines”. Fast Company. April 30 2019. 18 Satter, Raphael.”Experts: Spy used AI-generated face to connect with targets” AP News. June 13 2019. 13 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Politics & Cybersecurity

Synthetic voice impersonation and fraud

There have been several reported cases where synthetic voice audio has allegedly been used to defraud companies.19 While no concrete evidence has been provided to support claims that the audio was synthetic, the cases illustrate how synthetic voice cloning could be used to enhance existing fraud practices against businesses and individuals.

CEO impersonation

A report by French insurance company Euler British firm complied with a request to wire Hermes stated that one of their clients, an $243,000 to a Hungarian supplier. These funds unnamed UK energy firm, was the victim of were then moved from the Hungarian accounts a fraud attack using synthetic voice audio in to several other locations. Euler Hermes covered March 2019. According to Euler Hermes, the these losses as part of the company’s fraud cybercriminals used synthetic voice audio that insurance policy. No further evidence such as impersonated the CEO of the firm’s German recordings of the call have been released to prove parent company, accurately replicating his the voice audio was synthetic, and at the time of accent and speaking style. Recognizing the writing the perpetrators have not been identified. voice and believing it to be real, the CEO of the

19 “Fake Voices ‘help cyber-crooks steal cash’” BBC News. July 8 2019.


Concluding Remarks

Deepfakes pose a range of threats, many of which are no longer theoretical. In this report we have identified five key conclusions on the current state of deepfakes:

›› Deepfake creation technologies and tools are being commodified through a growing number of communities, computer apps, and services;

›› The online presence of deepfake videos is rapidly expanding, with the vast majority of these videos involving p*rnographic content;

›› Deepfake p*rnography is a global phenomenon supported by a significant viewership across several dedicated websites, with women exclusively being targeted;

›› Awareness of deepfakes alone is destabilizing political processes by undermining the perceived objectivity of videos featuring politicians and public figures;

›› Deepfakes are providing cybercriminals with new sophisticated capabilities to enhance social engineering and fraud.

These conclusions are drawn from our analysis of the deepfake landscape as it currently lies. However, the speed of the developments surrounding deepfakes means this landscape is constantly shifting, with rapidly materializing threats resulting in increased scale and impact. It is essential that we are prepared to face these new challenges. Now is the time to act. 15 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Appendix


The quantitative data collection detailed here took place between June 1st 2019 and July 31st 2019. Examples and case studies were collected up until August 31st 2019.

Data Sensitivity

Open-source research on sensitive data is a delicate matter that we take very seriously. Providing methodological transparency on some of our sources would involve publicizing tools, services, and websites that are legally ambiguous or have explicitly unethical applications. Accordingly, we have decided to censor the names and URLs of these sources, particularly when related to deepfake p*rnography.

Mainstream p*rnography websites Sources, 10 most popular mainstream p*rnography websites in terms of user traffic.


We identified the 10 most popular p*rn websites in terms of web traffic, as indicated by We then used the internal site search engine with the keyword “deepfake(s)” and recorded the number of videos returned. One of these websites had disabled searches for the keyword “deepfake”, but we were still able to detect several deepfake videos on this website by conducting a manual search.

Dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites Sources

Google search, redirect links from deepfake communities and forums.


We identified dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites using Google search with the key phrases “deepfake p*rn portal” and “deepfake p*rn website”, along with redirect links we found on deepfake forums that were not indexed through Google searches. All dedicated deepfake p*rnography websites we identified solely contained fake videos (as well as the occasional fake image). Two of these websites also contained some videos that were possibly created without the use of generative algorithms or other AI-based tools, and therefore could be shallowfakes. Since the sites didn’t provide any guidance on how this content was created, and in one case the content was not fully visible without buying premium access, we have decided to count these videos.


Excluding these two websites, we selected the top five in terms of content volume for additional data analysis. We used the web scraper Beautiful Soup to identify every hosted video and developed proprietary tools to extract data such as title, views, and likes. For one of these five websites information on views was not available. Accordingly, the statistics on views are reported for the top four only.

The compiled video metadata gave us results such as total viewership numbers but told us little about the people targeted by deepfake p*rnography videos. In some cases, we were able to extract the exact names of people present in videos from the page HTML. Unfortunately, in many cases, all we had was a title which usually contained the target’s name as part of a broader description of the video. In cases where only a title was available, we used a combination of NLP processing, manual editing, and validation to extract the people named in the video titles. For this, we used the python library SpaCy, taking advantage of its named entity recognition capabilities. We were, therefore, able to determine the names of people targeted in almost every deepfake video we tracked.

Having identified the names of targeted individuals we used the Wikidata API to extract demographic information on each individual, including their gender, nationality, and profession. Wikidata offers a plain text query function that can identify well-known people even with alterations and errors in the spelling of their names as they appear in video titles.

Non-p*rnographic video hosting websites/channels Sources

YouTube, Vimeo, LiveLeak, Dailymotion. Reddit was not taken into consideration as almost all deepfakes on Reddit are hosted on YouTube.


Searching for the keyword “deepfake” on YouTube leads to inflated results, where search results output content on deepfakes but not actual deepfake videos. To avoid this pitfall we focused our search on outputs from dedicated deepfake channels or creators who exclusively or largely publish deepfake videos. The other sources host a much smaller volume of deepfakes videos, which we were able to find and count by a keyword “deepfake” search. Each video was manually checked to see if it contained deepfakes or deepfake style alterations.

For further analysis of YouTube videos, we downloaded each videos’ metadata. Post metadata extraction analysis based on videos’ titles was identical to the analysis performed on p*rnographic deepfake metadata as described above.

Forums and creation communities Sources

Google search, deepfake p*rnography websites, Reddit, Telegram, 4Chan, 8Chan, Voat 17 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Appendix


We used the terms “forum” and “creation community” to refer to online communities where people can share, discuss, and find information on deepfakes, with a focus on the creation process. We conducted Google searches for “deepfake forums” and “deepfake communities”, as well as specific searches on deepfake p*rnography websites and forum-based websites. From here, we calculated the number of registered users of 13 of the 20 deepfake forums and creation communities we identified, based on publicly accessible data on the related websites and channels.

Deepfakes computer apps Sources

Google search, Github


We use the term “deepfake computer app” to refer to downloadable software for creating deepfakes that are independently operated by the user. This can be further broken down into open-source code repositories and graphical user interfaces. We identified deepfake apps and GUIs with Google search using the keywords “deepfake apps” and “deepfake tools”, and through Github’s repository search engine. A voice cloning GUI was found on Github by searching for “voice cloning”.

Deepfake services portals Sources

Google search


We use the term “deepfake service portal” to refer to an online business that generates and sells custom deepfakes. We identified these deepfake service portals with Google search, using the keywords “deepfake service” and “deepfake tools”. Our analysis of each service portal focused on the kinds of deepfake creation services being offered, and the prices that accompanied these services.

Marketplace services Sources

Google search, website search



We used the term marketplace services to refer to individual deepfake creators that advertise their services on forums and online marketplaces. We identified these marketplace services using Google search with the phrase “deepfake services”, “deepfake tools” or “synthetic voices”, along with the search engines on three of the top online marketplaces and freelance work portals using the keywords “deepfakes” and “deepfake services”.

Github Sources

Github Archive stored on Google BigQuery


The visual in the report shows the number of stars for two faceswap GitHub repositories over time. We used the following repositories used to collect this data:

SELECT project, YEAR(star_date) as yearly, MONTH(star_date) as monthly, SUM(daily_stars) as monthly_stars FROM ( SELECT as project, DATE(created_at) as star_date, COUNT(*) as daily_ stars FROM TABLE_DATE_RANGE( [githubarchive:day.], TIMESTAMP(“20171001”), TIMESTAMP(“20190731”)) WHERE IN (“alew3/faceit_live”) AND type = ‘WatchEvent’ GROUP BY project, star_date) GROUP BY project, yearly, monthly ORDER BY project, yearly, monthly

Papers mentioning GANs in the title/abstract Sources is an online archive of research articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. arXiv is owned and operated by Cornell University. See more information on


We used arXiv’s search engine with the keyword “GAN” or “generative adversarial network” to identify the total papers containing these keywords in their titles or abstracts for each year. The annualized 2019 figure was derived from 704 papers released between January 1st 2019 and July 29th 2019, by multiplication by 12/7. 19 THE STATE OF DEEPFAKES – Appendix

DeepNude Sources

DeepNude websites (original and repackaged versions), articles (names omitted)


The DeepNude business sale price and June 2019 website viewing figures/user numbers were directly sourced from a listing on the online business marketplace, which is no longer accessible at the time of this report’s publication. We accessed this data on July 18th 2019. The details of the original app’s pricing and functionality were sourced from DeepNude’s website, which is also no longer accessible at the time of this report’s publication. We accessed this data on June 27th 2019.

20 @deeptracelabs Tracer Newsletter /deeptracelabs [emailprotected] /deeptracelabs

The State of Deepfakes: Landscape, Threats, and Impact, Henry Ajder, Giorgio Patrini, Francesco Cavalli, and Laurence Cullen, September 2019 (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.