When Is Next Costco Coupon Book (2024)

If you're a savvy shopper always on the lookout for great deals, chances are you've heard about Costco's legendary coupon books. These money-saving booklets offer discounts on a wide range of products, from groceries to electronics, and can help you stretch your budget further. But the burning question on many Costco members' minds is: when is the next Costco coupon book coming out?

Understanding Costco Coupon Books

Before we dive into the specifics of when the next coupon book will be released, let's take a moment to understand what these coupon books are all about. Costco, the membership-based warehouse club, periodically releases coupon books to its members. These books contain a treasure trove of discounts and deals on various products available at Costco stores.

Frequency of Costco Coupon Books

One of the most common questions among Costco members is how often the coupon books are released. While there's no fixed schedule, Costco typically releases new coupon books on a monthly basis. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and sometimes the gap between releases may be longer or shorter.

Factors Affecting Coupon Book Release Dates

Several factors influence when Costco decides to release its coupon books. One of the primary factors is the timing of major shopping seasons and holidays. Costco often times the release of its coupon books to coincide with peak shopping periods such as back-to-school season, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, and other special events.

Additionally, Costco may also consider factors such as inventory levels, sales targets, and marketing strategies when determining the release dates of its coupon books. The goal is to maximize savings for members while also driving foot traffic to its stores.

How to Stay Informed About Coupon Book Releases

Now that you understand the frequency and factors influencing the release of Costco coupon books, you're probably wondering how to stay informed about upcoming releases. Fortunately, Costco makes it easy for members to stay in the loop.

One of the best ways to find out about upcoming coupon books is by keeping an eye on Costco's official website and social media channels. Costco often announces the release dates of its coupon books through these channels, giving members ample time to plan their shopping trips accordingly.

Other Sources of Information

In addition to Costco's official channels, there are several other sources where you can find information about upcoming coupon book releases. Online forums and communities dedicated to Costco members often share insider tips and rumors about upcoming deals.

Furthermore, signing up for Costco's email newsletters and notifications is another way to ensure you don't miss out on any upcoming promotions. Costco frequently sends out emails to its members with updates on new products, promotions, and coupon book releases.


In conclusion, while there's no fixed schedule for the release of Costco coupon books, they typically come out on a monthly basis, with some variations depending on factors such as holidays and marketing strategies. By staying informed through Costco's official channels, as well as other sources of information, you can ensure that you never miss out on the opportunity to save big with Costco's coupon books.


Q1: Can I use Costco coupons online? A1: Yes, Costco coupons can be used both in-store and online, depending on the terms and conditions specified in the coupon.

Q2: Do Costco coupons expire? A2: Yes, Costco coupons have expiration dates, so it's essential to check the validity before using them.

Q3: Can I stack multiple coupons at Costco? A3: No, Costco typically does not allow the stacking of multiple coupons on a single item. However, you can use one manufacturer's coupon and one Costco coupon per item.

Q4: Do I need a Costco membership to use the coupons? A4: Yes, Costco coupons are exclusively for Costco members. You'll need a valid membership card to take advantage of the discounts.

Q5: Are there any restrictions on what I can use Costco coupons for? A5: While Costco coupons offer discounts on a wide range of products, there may be some restrictions and exclusions specified in the terms and conditions of the coupon. It's essential to read the fine print before using the coupons.

When Is Next Costco Coupon Book (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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